Saturday, May 23, 2009


It was 21st may, 8:30am when we (me and 2 of my frnds) were moving towards the college as had our 2nd semister exams going. we were sitting on the last seats of the bus and with no difference from the other days we were discussing the answer and having a great time. everything was going gud and there were around 40 people in the bus but suddenly after 15 mins near dharamtala crossing another bus of same root with no care tried to take over our bus. since both the buses were of the same root with an intention of getting more passengers they drived rashly and on the main crossing both the buses took turn in opposite direction and while taking over from left side a severe accident between the two buses took place. the intensity was so hard that the thick glass behind us was no more in 1 peice and our eyes with full of dust. It was a 15 secounds break when everyone was in a state of unconciousness. But suddenly we heard a hard sound from the front seat shouting with a great pain in voice "kaiu aamake bachao re " (somebody help me ) we were afraid. We jumped from our seats to know what exactly happened. But we did not succeeded in our task. Suddenly we saw that everyone is getting down from the bus in hurry and the persons seating in the front seats started shouting fearfully. . Since we were seating in the very last seat we got down at last. But when i followed that paining voice i saw the most fearfull scene of my entire life. The right hand of the person who was crying with pain lost it completely and the entire place was full with blood. He was shouting loud but there was non to help him out. Even no body put any effort to call the police or ambulance. Suddenly a girl whose age was around 21 started shouting "somebody help him , call the ambulance" but as usual nobody responded. Everybody was watching as if it was a movie show going on. We (me and my friends) after landing from the bus ran towards the cop who was standing on the crossing. A small conversation which we had with the cop truly reflects the real scenareo of the police department
Me- "A accident took place and the person has lost his hand. please come with us"
cop- "where?"
Me- " near by place (pointing towards the spot) please come fast"
cop- "oh its not my line of duty please go to that cop who is standing on the opposite side of the road"

I was shocked to hear this and simply dissapointed. The cop was looking for his place of duty when the person was in complete pain. Even if it was not his place of duty he could have contacted the another cop who was on the opposite crossing through his walky- talky because the crossing was a long one and by the time we would have reached there he could have lost his life. But we had no option than to move towards the other cop as per his direction. We reached the place where 3 policeman were standing we approached them in the similar fashion and after enquiring few things two of the came with us. They reached the spot and took the person with them in a cab. It was more shocking to see that all the persons who were in the bus were still standing over there but none of the took any step. Atleast the girl has more curtosy than the people standing over there. It was her who motivated us to reach the cops.
It wont be wrong to say after this incident that the YOUTHS of our country has more courtesy than the old people.

After that the girl (who took the very first step to ask for help) asked us " u all have college naaa.??"we replied positively. Than she asked us to leave as we might be late. We left the spot as we did whatever we can. We reached our college and gave the exam although the only thing which we were thinking that time was about that person.
Later on we came to know that he was taken to SSKM hospital where doctor informed that he is out of danger but they had to cut his hand as it is bleeding badly.

That was the most fearful moment of my life which i will pray that no one else might witness in his entire life. God bless that person and his family.